Dometic GO Hydration Water Faucet

Dometic GO Hydration Water Faucet

Dometic GO Hydration Water Faucet

When I heard about the Hydration Water Faucet, I couldn't believe it was a real thing. I mean, who wouldn't want to use one of these? It's the perfect way to reduce your plastic waste and stay hydrated at the same time! The best part is that it can be used with any water container, so you don't have to buy those expensive single-use water bottles anymore. Just fill up your refillable bottle from the faucet and you're good to go! Saving the planet has never been so easy (or delicious). Thanks, Hydration Water Faucet!

Pre-Order Here: Dometic Self-powered Water Spout for GO Hydration Tank (

Portable, Self-powered Water Faucet

Whether you need enough water to wet your toothbrush or to fill a cooking pot, Dometic’s HYD WF Hydration Water Faucet lets you dispense what you need and use less.


Want to create less plastic waste? Leave the single-use plastic water bottles on the store shelf and opt for the Hydration Water Faucet instead. It can be used with any water container, including our Hydration Jug for the exact amount of water you need, without wasting a drop. Rely on refillable water bottles you fill from this reservoir and you’ll never need a plastic one again. Quench your thirst while you save the planet. Everybody wins.

The Dometic Go Collection


Dometic GO includes everything you need to get outside: Mobile Cooling - powered coolers and ice chests, the versatile Table that adjusts to three different heights, comfortable and communal seating with the Compact Camp Chair and the Compact Camp Bench, and Hard Storage and soft Portable Gear Storage that makes it simple to bring along all of your essential gear. The Insulated Insert also turns your Portable Gear Storage into a soft-sided cooler in seconds and the Hydration Water Faucet and Hydration Water Jug let you store and dispense the water you need without wasting a drop. The Blanket will be your go-to for ground cover and chilly campfire nights; end the day with the warmth of your Personal Camp Heater and you’ll never leave home without Dometic GO.

Effortless Outdoors


Dometic GO is designed with outdoor adventures in mind. Every product in our collection helps equip you to get out there faster, stay out there more comfortably, and embrace the outdoors with family and friends. Dometic GO makes the outdoors effortless with lightweight, resilient gear that fits into the back of your car to get you on the road to your next adventure. Get going, and get exploring, with Dometic GO.

Running Water on The Go 


You probably take your kitchen faucet for granted when you’re home but having one available when you’re on the go is a game-changer. The Hydration Water Faucet is designed to make water dispersing a snap, letting you pour out just what you need and not a drop more. At the campsite, you can choose just enough to wet your toothbrush or fill a cooking pot with the touch of a button, with no waste. After your first trip, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

An Extra Hand 


Need to fill your cooking pot? Wish you could just set it down and walk away? Now you can. Turn the Hydration Water Faucet on for a steady stream of water that shuts off automatically after one minute or one liter of water, to prevent waste. It’s an extra hand when you need one to make food prep and clean-up easier, and a simple way to make the most of the water you bring along for your adventure.


  • Transforms any water container into a running water system with no external power source required 
  • Simple one-touch operation with automatic shutoff for water conservation and integrated LED light for nighttime/low-light use Includes puck for faucet placement and a magnetic base for using faucet on other surfaces
  • Large capacity battery dispenses 150L per charge 
  • Rugged IPX4 construction of BPA-free, food grade materials 
  • Designed to be used with Hydration Water Jug Part of Dometic Go collection

Simple to Use 

1 of 3 Simple to Use Transforms a water jug into a kitchen faucet with no external power necessary

Water-Conserving Switch 

2 of 3 Water-Conserving Switch One-touch on/off button has automatic shutoff at 1 minute or 1 liter of water dispensed

Puck and Base Included 

3 of 3 Puck and Base Included Puck for faucet placement and a magnetic base for use on other surfaces included

May 23, 2022 EVAN GAGE

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